À l’occasion de Mardi je donne, partout sur la planète, des jeunes s’uniront pour faire le bien en menant des projets bénévoles, en accomplissant des gestes de bonté et en redonnant de façon spéciale, tout en prouvant que tout le monde a le pouvoir de changer les choses dans sa communauté, et que chaque personne a quelque chose à donner.
C’est facile de participer à GivingTuesdaySpark. Il y a tant de façons d’améliorer les choses et d’aider à transformer la vie des gens, chez nous et à travers le monde.
Prêt à te lancer? Dis-nous comment tu prévois participer à #GivingTuesdaySpark!
Lancé par Khloe Thompson (12 ans) avec une équipe de jeunes ambassadeurs, #GivingTuesdaySpark encourage les jeunes à passer à l’action pour soutenir leurs causes préférées à l’occasion de Mardi je donne.
Fais connaissance avec Khloe : The World I Want to Live In | #GivingTuesdaySpark .
Éléments graphiques, trousses d’outils, études de cas ou autres ressources pour participer à Mardi je donne — nous avons tout ce qu’il te faut!
Charity Partner
“GivingTuesday has become a really important part of our yearly calendar. It is a great opportunity for us, not only for fundraising but for connecting with our community of donors and volunteers both online and in person.” - Richelle Leckey
Charity Partner
"We are incredibly humbled by the way our community continues to support us on Giving Tuesday each year. We’ve raised over $1.5 million in the last seven years to support our network of food banks, meal programs, and shelters across Nova Scotia." - Nick Jennery
Charity Partner
“Our Giving Tuesday initiative was simply to thank our entire network – donors, volunteers and loyal supporters, while launching our holiday appeal. We raised over $7,500 in online donations on GivingTuesday! We look forward to even further engagement with our donors, staff and volunteers next year!” - Lauren Floyd
Charity Partner
"GivingTuesday is a disruption of the fundraising status quo. It’s like a huge R&D lab for public generosity. And to see the experiments in volunteerism, public engagement, corporate creativity and yes, fundraising results, is a huge inspiration for me personally. I keep volunteering in local civic leadership because I learn so much more than just about fundraising, we are running an annual generosity incubator at the level of billions of dollars in scale. It’s exciting, educational and inspirational for my network and myself.” -Paul Nazareth
Charity Partner
"GivingTuesday has been a very rewarding experience for our region. Over the past year we have witnessed first hand the tremendous support our residents have received from the charitable and nonprofit sector. Encouraging our community to give back by volunteering their time, donating funds or acknowledging those who have made a difference not only strengthens our connections but also ensures a strong and resilient region." - Vivian Curl
“We are incredibly humbled by the way our community continues to support us on GivingTuesday each year. We’ve raised over $1.5 million in the last seven years to support our network of food banks, meal programs, and shelters across Nova Scotia.”